Penasco Independent School District is seeking a full time Counselor


SY 2025-2026




COUNSELOR OUALIFICATIONS: '1 . Properly certified in Counseling; 2. Preferably, counseling and/or teaching experience 3. Other qualifications determined to be necessary by the Superintendent.


REPORTS TO : Principal




JOB GOAL: To help students overcome problems that impede learning and to assist them in making educational, occupational, and life plans that hold promise for their personal fulfillment as mature and responsible men and women.



1. Develop and implement a Guidance and Counseling Program for grades Preschool through 6th and meet required timelines and adhere to School Board Policies and NMPED Regulations.

2. lmplements and maintains the MLSS and SAT/Process, provides input on performance standards/ assessments, administers and coordinates all school testing programs.

3. Assist the principal or designee with the Master Teaching Schedule by providing necessary input based on student and curriculum needs.

4. Work with Principal/Teacher and attempt to resolve students' educational problems such as: attendance, tardiness, truancy, etc. ..

5. Register students new to the school and orient them to school procedures and the school's varied opportunities for learning.

6. Remain readily available to students so as to provide counseling that will assist each student in increasing his/her personal growth, self understanding, and maturity.

7. Work with students on an individual basis on the solution of personal problems related to such problems as home and family relations, health and emotional adjustment.

8. lnteract with students who are having difficulty coping with self-esteem, emotional problems, home situations, peer groups, school environment, cultural identity and behavioral problems.

9. lnterpret the guidance and counseling program to the community and encourage students to participate in school and community activities.

10. lvlaintain student cumulative records and protect their confidentiality, initiate, assemble, maintain, and interpret accurate health records, attendance records, activity records and uniform transcript records for students, and cumulative progress records,.

11. Verify that student grades are recorded in the cumulative records.

12. Confer with parents as the need arises or upon receiving a referral and participate in the development of a Parent lnvolvement Plan and Safety Plan.

13. Adhere to competencies for Counselor and establish mental Health Partnership.

14. Provide in-service training in Guidance/Counseling, student behavior, peer counseling, character counts, and discipline techniques for teachers. '

15. Work with teachers and other staff members to familiarize them with the general range of services offered by the Guidance/Counseling department, and to improve the educational prospects of individual students being counseled.

16. Advise administrators and faculty on the matters of students, parents, and the community at large.

17.Take an active role in interpreting the school's objectives to students, parents, and the community at large.

18. lmplement a counseling substance abuse intervention component for those students who need help with substance abuse related problems. '

19. Lead the Student Assistance Team (SAT) an/or General Screening Committee to ensure that academic gains are maintained by exploring alternative instructional methodologies, materials and teaching techniques. All records and interventions will be documented and the proper SAT Documentation will be in compliance with The SAT Manual before any Diagnostic or referral can be made to Special Ed.

20. Assist in determining the student's special abilities or needs and refer for a formal educational diagnostic evaluation.

21. Serve as a direct liaison contact among students, teachers, parents, the school nurse, the health clinic and other beneficial service agencies.

22. Maintain a record/log of all studenUteacher/parent service agencies/administrators contact.

23. Be an active member to the IEP Special Education Committee(s) developing/modifying IEP's, performance standards/assessments committee and must attend all scheduled meetings.

24. lmplement and oversee the entry of data through the Accountability Data System/Power School.

25. Assist Principal(s) in gathering, disaggregating, entering, graphing, interpreting data, analyzing assessments and participating in curriculum development or modifications.

26. Assist Principal(s) in developing interventions/strategies for school and student improvement and participate in the development of Assertive Discipline Plan(s).

27 . Participate in filling out a Time Study for Medicaid reimbursement.

28. Provide Principals and Directors with information applicable to PED, NCA and/or Office of Civil Rights Reports, inclusive of Drop Out Rate, Attendance, Surveys, Safety Plans, Accountability Reports, etc.. .

29. Provide Principals and Directors with narrative applicable to initiated activities required by funding sources.

30. Attend board meetings at the request ofthe Principal or Superintendent.

31- Must be technology literate

32. Communicate continuously and effectively with staff, students, and families.

33. Follow district policies and procedures.

34. Perform other tasks as may be appropriate and necessary by the Principal or Superintendent.{i


TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: Term of employment to be established by the Superintendent on an annual basis, through the adoption of the School Calendar.


SALARY: Salary to be established by the Superintendent on an annual basis, through the adoption of Salary Schedules.


EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel conducted by the Principal or Superintendent.